June 22nd, 2010

[info]srslypadfoot in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Harry and Sirius
Where: Bungalow #5
When: Early Tuesday morning
What: Sirius meets his very grown-up Godson.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, low

It wasn't like anyone was in the room to see it. Or so he thought. )

[info]boy__king in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Regulus and James
Where: The library
When: Tuesday afternoon
What: A reunion of sorts
Status/Rating: Incomplete, moderate

Collect your courage and pray you never feel the same kind of remorse. )

[info]fullofalby in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Albus Severus and Open
Where: Bungalow #7
When: Tuesday, afternoon
What: Arriving.
</b>Status/Rating:</b> Incomplete/low

And he could only think to blame one person.  )