June 21st, 2010

[info]srslypadfoot in [info]unloading_zone

Who: James and Sirius
Where: Baggage claim
When: Monday afternoon
What: Two mischief-makers arrive in the zone.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, medium for language

I'm going to murder you with a wooden spoon, you bastard! )

[info]gingerlioness in [info]unloading_zone

Potters in Paradise.

Who: Ginny & Harry
When: Monday, upon arrival
Where: Baggage Claim
What: The Potters make their appearance.

If this was some sort of joke she was going to murder someone. )

[info]getupagain in [info]unloading_zone

Stupid hair.

Who: Tonks and Teddy
When: Monday
Where: By her Bungalow
What: Dead Mum meets Grown Son.

Nope, this won't be awkward at all. )

[info]fullofsnark in [info]unloading_zone

Who: Hugo and Scorpius
Where: Outside bungalow #1
When: Early evening
What: Scorpius finds out some things about his future that he'd rather not know.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, lowish

He must be mad. )

[info]lostmum in [info]unloading_zone

lily & percy

WHO: Lily Potter & Percy Weasley
WHERE: En route to her new housing arrangement.
WHEN: Arrival
WHAT: Confusion upon arrival

I don't find this funny. )