Nov. 2nd, 2010


Note to Rose )

Oct. 23rd, 2010


Who: Rose and Lorcan
Where: En route to a secret beach location.
When: Saturday, at approximately 18:17
What: Commencing with the secret first date.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, low

he didn't feel ready for was the part where he picked up Rose and took her out on their first date. )

Oct. 22nd, 2010


Left underneath the pumpkin for Rose. )

Oct. 13th, 2010


Who: Rose Weasley and Lorcan Scamander
Where: Lorcan's bungalow at least at first
When: Wednesday afternoon
What: Uh... well... ...? Maybehe'dliketogoonadatesometime
Rating: With them?? Low.
Status: Incomplete

He did seem very protective of her )

Sep. 25th, 2010


Who: Open to all!
Where: Center of town
When: Backdated to Friday afternoon
What: Autumn festivities
Note: Feel free to start your own threads in the comments :)

Happy Fall )

Sep. 11th, 2010


Who: Ainsley and Lorcan Scamander
What: Building and Talking
Where: Outside the grocery, then wondering
When: Saturday Afternoon
Rating/Status: Low, no doubt/ In Progress

Aug. 16th, 2010


Who: Ainsley and Lorcan Scamander
What: Being secret agents
Where: Lorcan's Bungalow (#16)
When: Monday evening
Rating/Status: low/incomplete


Note to Aunt Ainsley )

Aug. 14th, 2010


Who: Rose, Scorpius, and Lorcan
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Bungalow #11
What: Testing the pies for poison.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, low

as her best friend, he was obligated to be supportive. )

Aug. 8th, 2010


Who: Cassiopeia and Lorcan
When: Saturday Evening (just before sunset)
Where: Bungalow 16
What: Cassiopeia arrives and meets her Bungalow-mate.
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Who was this Lorcan Scamander? )

Aug. 5th, 2010


Who: Rose Weasley and Lorcan Scamander
Where: The beach
When: Friday morning
What: Learning about gnome-prison.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, tbd

They were good, real good. )