Aug. 22nd, 2010


Who: Teddy and Sirius [Open to Tonks]
When: Sunday morning
Where: Beach
What: Confrontation!
Status/Rating: Incomplete, tbd

What he tripped over wasn't a big rock, but a body. )

Jul. 20th, 2010


Who: Tonks and Teddy
What: running into each other
Where: Bungalow #3
When: Early Wednesday morning

Teddy was having trouble getting out of bed that morning. )

Jul. 15th, 2010


Who: Dora and Andy
When: Thursday Evening
Where: Bungalow 13
What: Mother & Daughter chat

Tonks women are love )

Jul. 10th, 2010


Who: Tonks and Percy
Where: Bungalow #3
When: Saturday night
What: Roomie bonding while cowering in fright.
Status/Rating: Incomplete, low

he looked like a drowned rat. )

Jul. 7th, 2010


Who: Fred Weasley and Tonks
What: Opening baggage!
Where: Bungalow 5
When: BACKDATED: Monday
Status/Rating: Complete/low


Who: Dora and Remus
When: Wednesday, Around Seven
Where: The Pub
What: A first date! Sort of.
Rating: Not high
Status: Incomplete

But he'd see how brilliant she was and then they'd fall in love again. At least that was the plan. )

Jun. 27th, 2010


Who: Tonks and Remus
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: Around the Island
What: Picking Mangos and talking
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

Wotcher. Fancy a walk? )


Who: Tonks and Fred
When: Saturday Morning
Where: Tonks' Bungalow
What: Breakfast and Baggage
Rating: Low

You know what we should do? Let's open my luggage. )

Jun. 24th, 2010


Who: Tonks and Sirius
When: Thursday after seeing Remus
Where: The Beach
What: A continuation of her crappy day
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Fuck. It's just wrong. )


Who: Tonks and Remus
When: Thursday
Where: Around the Island
What: Remus meets Tonks and Tonks realizes she's lost her husband.
Status: Complete!
Rating: Low. And Sad.

I'm very sorry, Dora. I don't... I don't recall where we've met before. )

Jun. 21st, 2010


Stupid hair.

Who: Tonks and Teddy
When: Monday
Where: By her Bungalow
What: Dead Mum meets Grown Son.

Nope, this won't be awkward at all. )