Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Aug. 4th, 2008|03:46 pm]

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As old as I am I've never seen a tornado until today. Its worse then riding in the car with Buffy driving.

Not sure how I got back to LA. Actually, I don't recognize this place. Whose condo is this?

Fred have you been playing mad scientist with my blood again? Because I don't remember how I got here.
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[Aug. 3rd, 2008|06:04 pm]

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Last I checked I was in my bed in Rome. What? Monday morning classes come early. I was about to fall asleep when there was this big gust of wind type thing. Now, outside this internet cafe type thing is Times Square. Can someone please tell me what the heck is going on?
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Dorothy? Toto? Auntie Em? [Jul. 29th, 2008|07:04 pm]

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So, I’m walking along, minding my own business when some big tornado sucks me up and I wake up in the middle of some boring awards ceremony for what appears to be me. Only I don’t really remember being in any wars to get this whole silver star thing they were trying to give me. Now I don’t remember drinking last night, so blacking out? Definitely not an option. And since I don’t do drugs or remember summoning any demons or anything…

I mean, okay, tornado, strange place….

I’ve got a feeling I’m not in Kansas anymore. Not that I was in Kansas before per se, but you get my point. If I’m in Oz, I don’t suppose someone could maybe, I don’t know, take me to see the wizard?
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[Jul. 28th, 2008|10:35 am]

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Solvei )

Dean )

Bruce )

Faith )

Grace )

Today is going to be a good day.
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[Jul. 27th, 2008|12:39 pm]

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People that consider me a friend )

Kyle )

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[Jul. 25th, 2008|06:59 pm]
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[Current Mood |infuriated]

You know what? I don't even want to know how. And I definitely don't want to know who. Because when I find out? A little spell will be the least of their problems. And yes, I'm talking to you, Renfield since you're probably reading this.

Which way is back to Italy?
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