May. 17th, 2015


WHO: Leo and Tenley
WHERE: Hotel, elevators.
WHEN: [Flashback] September 14th, 2010; afternoon sometime
WHAT: The elevator ride from hell, sort of.
CHALLENGE: 2 (first meeting), 3 (trapped)

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Apr. 3rd, 2015


WHO: Hadley, Cassidy, Lydia and Tenley
WHEN: [Forward-dated] April 4th, 2015; morning
WHERE: The Stone rooms
WHAT: Video messages and catching up on life.

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Apr. 1st, 2015


WHO: Leo and Tenley
WHERE: Hotel Infirmary
WHEN: April 1, 2015; early afternoon
WHAT: Apparently not everyone appreciates getting gifts as much as they probably should. XD

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Feb. 19th, 2015


WHO: Team Medic! (AKA Cassidy and Tenley Stone, Judah Kaplan, and Travis Hawke)
WHERE: Out toward the Greenhouse & Stables
WHEN: Feb 20, 2015; afternoon
WHAT: Flooding has cause a massive landslide, people are injured and freaking out. Team Medic are working from makeshift conditions to treat everyone and prevent any added injuries from happening.

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