Apr. 15th, 2015


WHO: Nate, Logan and Louisa (NPC).
WHERE: Open field outside the hotel.
WHEN:April 15th, 2015 - Afternoon.
WHAT: Logan makes good on crossbow lessons for Lou, and Nate tags along.

✶⋆✶⋆✶⋆✶ )
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Feb. 21st, 2015


WHO: Kendall and Louisa
WHERE: Hotel ground floor
WHEN: February 22, 2015; late afternoon
WHAT: Helping to clear supplies out of a flooded area.

✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ ✤ )

Jan. 25th, 2015


WHO: Logan and Louisa
WHERE: Security Building
WHEN: Back-dated: Jan 22, 2015; afternoon
WHAT: Answering questions that probably aren't her place to answer, but hell if she doesn't like the little firecracker for asking them.

☣ ☣ ☣ ☣ )
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