March 10th, 2015

[info]nogeorgiapeach in [info]undeadsiegeic

WHO: Peyton and Kendall
WHEN: [forward-dated] March 11th, 2015; during the zombie chaos
WHERE: The resort
WHAT: Zombies happen. Peyton and Kendall get caught in it and have it out a little.

☣☣☣☣☣ )

[info]whatsthatluke in [info]undeadsiegeic

WHO: Lucas and Deb
WHERE: The resort.
WHEN: FORWARD-DATED - March 11th, 2015, during the zombie attack.
WHAT: Chaos and zombies happen. Lucas and Deb get caught up in the fray.

✶⋆✶⋆✶⋆✶ )
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