November 2008

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May 8th, 2008

[info]madelene_ambers in [info]toujours_ooc

Hi all!

It's Tracey, with my third and final character, Madelene Ambers. She's an orphaned prostitute who lives on the streets. She's only 14 but the tragedy's in her life have forced her to grow up rather fast. My AIM is Tellyouastory if you want to plot anything. She desperately needs to meet people!

[info]mercedes_dupont in [info]toujours_ooc

Object Based Posts

Hello all!

I've noticed than many of the posts in the community are action/third-person, rather than object based. If anyone does want an object-based post, such as these examples here but isn't sure of how to make them, I would be happy to help. Just drop me a line at with the content you want, and how you want it to look. If it is a handwritten letter from your character to another, please check's handwriting section and choose a font of them.

I hope this will be of use to some of you!

[info]tigersatthegate in [info]toujours_ooc

New things in game!

Your co-mod and I have been discussing the possibility of including a monthly newspaper on the comm as an object based RP prompt. It would contain an article about something that was happening at the time either taken from actually historical accounts or relating to an important plotline in game, and then there would be a space for advertisements or announcements such as engagements or new businesses opening.

If you have an announcement or advertisement or anything of that sort you’d like included in the first copy either comment or email

[info]needlessly in [info]toujours_ooc


Gottis aka Nils-mun here, with her second character~ (And yes, another boy. >.>;; Now shush.) His name is Needle Smith (Needle because it sounds cool, and Smith because it's usually given to bastards who doesn't have a proper last name, or so I've heard.) Potty mouthed street rat/whore/thief, fifteen year old, and out to steal your riches. Or something. 8D As usual, feel free to hit me up at AIM at: Angelic Tensai for logging/plotting purposes~ I still don't bite, promise~ ♥