November 2008


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Jun. 1st, 2008



Dear All-

We've had a lot of new players recently, and I thought I'd use this opportunity to remind you all on the rules on tagging. This rule is simply used to help locate the threads and posts a particular character has been involved with, and it makes it much easier to search through the community. I have edited all the current posts on the main page, but will not be editing posts in the future.

If, when you make a post to the main Toujours Libérer comm, you tag with your characters name, in the format of firstname_lastname. If you are a Mountford-Miles, or any other character with a hyphenated name or a name such as Leafy La Tree, etc, then please format in this style: lord_slutty-pants or leafy_la-tree. Do not use capitals, please.

In the same vein, if your character has two names which they use interchangeably, please use only one of their names, the one they have chosen for themselves, or the newest of their two names, as your tag. For example, Harry Fisher was born Harry Roper, but does not use his old name. Thus, his tag is harry_fisher.

Below is a list of all character tags currently used on the community at the moment. All tags are available to be edited or added to by all members of the community, and so if you need to, please correct your character's tags. Comment below if you need a tag changing, or if you have a question regarding character tags.

Character Tags )

You must also tag your post to the community if it has any warnings, for instance violence, NC-17. The list of current tags for warnings is shown below. You must tag ALL posts that require a warning as such.

Current Warning Tags )

Rules on tagging can be found here.

Important Edit

As suggested by Jewelles, posts will now be tagged with "Plot" or "Character Development".

Plot is the tag to be used for threading, for developing the relationship between two characters, for furthering events in game.

Character Development can be for the furthering of a relationship, especially that of a family member or a romantic partner, or for a closed post which gives a history of back story of your character.

If your post does not fit either of these criteria, then it does not belong on the main community, but can be posted to your characters own journal. An email will be sent to all members of the game to inform them of this new tagging rule.

This new rule does not apply to previous posts, but those posted from Monday 2nd June 2008 only.
