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Fic: Power Lunch (1/1)

Title:Power Lunch
Author: Boji

Summary: Jack Harkness and the Well-Manicured Man deceive inveigle and obfuscate, over lunch at the Connaught Hotel.

Spoilers: All of Torchwood to date, with a nod to Doctor Who. And in the X-Files universe a nod to the second, third and fourth seasons but, in all cases, this is background with no real specifics, aside from characters and places named.
Word Length: 2,000 approx
Rating: PG-13
Notes: My kink seems to be X-overs and AU’s.

Before Fox Mulder discovered the X-Files, Jack Harkness was fighting the future.

Link leads over to my IJ.
x-posted from livejournal


Fic: Reassurance Jack/Ianto FRT-13

Title: Reassurance
Author: Immortal Aussie
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: FRT-13
Summary: Seeing Ianto like that broke Jack’s heart. He needed reassurance that Ianto was alright not caring that the others were still there with them
Disclaimer: Russel T. Davies owns these characters and I’m only borrowing them for fun
Warnings: Slash. Implications of M/M sex
Spoilers: 1x06 Countrycide
Challenge: 30 Wounds on Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Prompt: #18 Kiss it Better
Word Count: 225

Reassurance )


List and I love the Way you Laugh

Title: List
Prompt: # 42 (In the corner of your room you've stockpiled millions of my memories.)
Pairing: Torchwood- Jack and Ianto
Spoilers: Up to Countrycide
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: Ianto works in patterns
Disclaimer: Not mine.

There's a file of lists )

Title: I love the way you laugh
Prompt: # 39 (I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh)
Pairing: Torchwood- Jack and Ianto
Spoilers: None
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 406
Summary: Tending the injured.
Disclaimer: Not mine.

I love the way you laugh )

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