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ficlet: Flirting 1/ 1 Jack/Ianto

Title: Flirting
Author: Shannon
Summary: Why doesn’t Jack's flirting bother Ianto
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Table, Prompt: 3—Jealousy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Kind of has spoilers for Journey's End. I wouldn’t really consider them spoilers but I don't want to ruin it for people that try to remain completely spoiler free.
Words: 662
Beta: [info]kitty_poker1



fic: Doubts and Fears 2/? Ten/Martha, Jack/Ianto

Title: Doubts and Fears
Author: Shannon
Pairing: Ten/Martha, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to RTD and the BBC.
</b>Spoilers:</b> Through Journey's End and Exit Wounds
</b>Summary:</b> The Doctor is unhappy with Martha's new job and tries to change her mind.
Author's Notes: This is a sequel to Jealous. You can read this without having read the previous fic, however, because this is complete, but reading it will give you an idea of where it started.

And once again thanks goes to [info]velvetwhip for betaing this for me.

Previous Parts
Part One

(Part Two)


fic: Doubts and Fear 1/? Ten/Martha, Jack/Ianto

Title: Doubts and Fear
Author: Shannon
Pairing: Ten/Martha, Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me. They belong to RTD and the BBC.
</b>Spoilers:</b> Through Journey's End and Exit Wounds
</b>Summary:</b> The Doctor is unhappy with Martha's new job and tries to change her mind.
Author's Notes: This is a sequel to Jealous. You can read this without having read the previous fic, however, because this is complete, but reading it will give you an idea of where it started.
And I need to thank [info]velvetwhip for betaing this for me.

Part 1

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