October 5th, 2008

[info]rhea_silva in [info]torchwood_fic

Fic: Sacrifice.

Title: Sacrifice.
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Ianto/alien, implied Jack/Ianto relationship.
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: Coerced sex, incredible dubious consent/non-con. Sexual activities with a non-humanoid alien. Tentacle sex. Spoilers for up to Something Borrowed.
Word count: 4000
Summary: The Hub has gone into lockdown and Ianto might not be as alone in the dark as he first thought.
Author note: This was written for a prompt over at </a></font></b></a>[info]rounds_of_kink It is dark, it is disturbing, and you have been warned. Posted on Livejournal under my LJ name of the-silver-sun

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