September 18th, 2008

[info]curlewscry in [info]torchwood_fic

Fic: Insanity

Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: MA or 15+ (Violence, swearing, slash, violence, allusions to torture) 
Warning: Spoilers for Torchwood S1 and Dr Who S2 finale, 
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Characters: Jack and the Master, mentions of others
Summary: Jack and The Master discuss the fate of Torchwood Three in general, and Ianto in particular.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, but RTD owns my soul.

It was slaughter, out there. Xenocide. Every alien being on the planet was being hunted down and destroyed. All but the Toclafane, who assisted with the search and the destruction. Aliens were killed on sight, their bodies transported out onto the moors and burned in pyres. From Tish’s descriptions, the pyres were huge, massive things. I had never known how much alien life existed on earth before it was all destroyed.

A/N: Hi! My name's Curlew, and this is my first posting to this journal. I've only recently joined insane!journal, but I've been writing Torchwood fanfiction and posting here, there and everywhere all over the internet and basically making a huge pest out of myself for nearly a year now. I've now finished entering most of my fics into my journal, and would love some friends. Please come by and say hi =)

Link to shiny INSANITY!FIC at my journal (which is finally (kind of) ready for visitors *hint, hint*)