August 11th, 2008

[info]noscrubs12345 in [info]torchwood_fic

[triple drabble] angry with the sky

Title: angry with the sky
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Word Count: 300
Rating: PG
Summary: You'll move on. Tomorrow.
Warnings/Spoilers: slash, second person POV, character death, casting speculation for Torchwood series three, spoilers for Doctor Who series four
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made.

the day the Darkness takes him the sun is shining

[info]bitterfic in [info]torchwood_fic

Hollow (Owen/Jack)

Author: Bitterfig
Title: Hollow
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Owen/Jack
Summary: How do you live with being dead?
Beta Reader: Fedink
Word Count: 770
Rating: R
Warnings: This story is relentlessly depressing. Also contains gore, sex, and spoilers for Season 2 and…charitable necrophilia?
