July 16th, 2008

[info]rhea_silva in [info]torchwood_fic

New here (although not to fanfic writing) and I bring fic.

I've just created an IJ account copied all my Torchwood fic from my LJ account on to it.

So rather than spamming this comm with all of them I thought I'd just give you a link to my journal instead.

There are about thirty fics and drabbles there ranging from G to R, all of which are tagged with pairings and ratings.  All are spoiler cut and have relavent warnings on them where neccessary. 
Most of what I write is Jack/Ianto.

So here is the fic http://rhea-silva.insanejournal.com/

I will be posting further Torchwood fic that I write here and at my journal.