May 28th, 2008

[info]lilithilien in [info]torchwood_fic

FIC: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (1/5)

Title: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (And Torchwood Is Ready) [Part 1/5]
Author: [info]lilithilien
Fandom: Harry Potter/Torchwood crossover
Pairings Jack/Draco, Jack/Ianto, Harry/Draco
Summary: They say you can't go home again. But what happens when you try?
Rated: NC-17
Disclaimer: All rights to these characters belong to J.K. Rowling and Russell T. Davies and their crack legal teams. I own nothing.
Notes: I know that class reunions aren't done in the U.K, but please suspend your disbelief—this is a story of wizards and alien-hunters, after all. As for the timeline, ten years after Hogwarts sets the HP side of the story in 2008, while the TW side comes in the first series (after "Countrycide" but before Jack and Ianto's second series' relationship). Finally, many thanks—to William Shakespeare for song lyrics, to [info]dysonrules, whose TW/HP crossover put this idea in my head, and to [info]sarcastic_jo, my beloved beta and Jack-picker, who wouldn't let it leave until I wrote it down.

This story is finished and chapters will be posted every other day.

The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (And Torchwood Is Ready)