March 25th, 2008

[info]sarcastic_jo in [info]torchwood_fic

I bring ... 4 fics! 3 shorter and 1 novel-length

I realized (belatedly, and at the proding of [info]lilithilien) that I had yet to post links to my fics here. Unfortunately, the links are all to LJ as I haven't made the complete transition to IJ - it's hard when the fandom is still heavy over there! Hopefully everyone will wise-up some day :)

Title: Gwen Discovers Flat Holm
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
P, R, WC: Jack/Ianto, R, ~2600 (COMPLETE)
Spoilers: TW S2 E11 - "Adrift"
Summary: History is not inevitable.
A/N: I couldn't help it. I had to do it. You can't tell me that Ianto didn't know exactly what he was doing. A Missing Scene/Tag for "Adrift."

Title: On Atlas' Shoulders
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
P, R, WC: Jack/Ianto, PG-13, ~3000 (COMPLETE)
Spoilers: S2 Epi 4 "Meat", and various epis in between S1 Epi 1 and S2 Epi 4 :)
Summary: What cost victory?
A/N: Missing Scene for "Meat."

Title: Not So Different
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
P, R, WC: Jack/Ianto/John/Rodney, R, ? (COMPLETE)
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Xover fic, purely cracksmut foursome. SGA/TW
Summary: "Wait. You're telling me you have a pterodactyl living in your base?"
A/N: I said it's total cracksmut and it is. ;) Short little piece to distract lilithilien one day. Just because....the four of them would be so pretty ;)

And finally, my baby. Seriously. Birthing it might as well have been 6 months of heavy labor. And yes, I wept when I finally sent it off to University.

Series Title: Shades of Ianto
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, various others
Rating: PG13-NC17
Spoilers: TW Series 1
Word count: 200,000+ (no, I'm not kidding), (COMPLETE)
Warnings: Read the A/Ns for each chapter for any chapter warnings.
Summary: Ianto is more than just a tea-boy.
A/N: Link in Series title will take you to the first chapter in the Prologue, but all chapters are all linked. The series contains three parts - Prologue (Pre-TW S1 canon), Series 1 (TW S1 canon integrated into my 'verse), Series 2 (completely mine - ignores DW S3 and TW S2).

Enjoy, and thanks for reading!