January 19th, 2008

[info]boji in [info]torchwood_fic

Fic: A Little Death (1/1)

Summary: A little sex, a little death...
A vid-message is left on the Torchwood system.
Pairing: John H/Jack H
Spoilers: 2:01 - Kiss, Kiss, Bang Bang.
Word Length: 1,500 approx
Rating: I'd say it's a hard 'R' but one flirting with NC-17.
PWP - That would be porn with plot. Dark, with a pinch of violence & a hint of kink.

This fic is utterly unsuitable for minors. Adult material lies beyond the cut. Read at your own discretion.

"...might as well leave him something to John-off to when I'm gone..."

x-posted around LJ