03 February 2010 @ 10:23 pm
Icon Post: Random Tiny Pics  
Hi and welcome to my shop!

I thought I should just start out with some random tiny pics that I've made over the years so that we have them all in one place.

Feel free to sip some champagne while looking around and I hope you'll find something that you like.


Now you know..icon Photobucket Fairy Dust

Current Mood: excited
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rosy5000: Emmett OMGYAY[info]rosy5000 on February 4th, 2010 04:52 am (UTC)
hehe Too bad you can't make money from this, eh? :D
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qafmaniac[info]qafmaniac on February 4th, 2010 06:14 am (UTC)
Yeah,that's too bad.
Hee,but I don't have to pay taxes for this shop and that's good,right? ;D
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