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Back August 4th, 2014 Forward
Sam Winchester [userpic]

It's looking like the easiest form of employment is going to be at a bar. Or pub, I guess, because UK. I'm in talks with one of the pub owners near the hotel I'm in, so I guess we'll see how that pans out.

Are you buying the seeming overcompensating "No, really, I'm a good guy" vampire thing? Is that just me? Because it really does sound like he's trying too hard to convince people of it.

Also we should probably talk about
Nope, not doing

Adrian Ivashkov | Vampire Academy/Bloodlines [userpic]

So, in other news, what exactly are we supposed to be doing here?

I mean, finding jobs is obviously out of the question, so where are we getting our funds?

Back August 4th, 2014 Forward