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Back August 3rd, 2014 Forward
Adrian Ivashkov | Vampire Academy/Bloodlines [userpic]

So, hi!

I'm Adrian Ivashkov, and yes, I'm a vampire. And yes, I drink blood. And no, I don't kill people. Never have. Not even once. I was also born this way, and I'm very much alive (no undead here).

I guess I'm making this post because I want to talk to the people who are scared or curious and answer any questions you might have. Because I'm really not dangerous. And while I'm a total badass, I'm really a nice guy too.

So, hit me up.

Allison Argent [userpic]
Elizabeth and Tate

So, what are your thoughts on last night the morning after? Should we do movie night again sometime?

gladiolus amicitia [userpic]

Please tell me we're not all expected to make speeches too.

Allison Argent [userpic]

I don't actively hunt any more, my family's code is now to protect instead of to hunt, but I thought we should know each other especially in case this vampire issue blows up in our faces. My name is Allison Argent.

Back August 3rd, 2014 Forward