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Back July 28th, 2014 Forward
Hal Yorke was involved tagentially [userpic]


It seems I am not fictional, not to mention I have been free of blood for over 50 years so that's not an issue if only they'd stop TALKING about it every..

That being said, My name is Hal Yorke and  I'm talking to you all now, not at all because I have to, I could have gone under the radar for quite some time if I'd wanted. But that would be unfair.  I'll just say for now that I've seen government agencies and what they are capable of. In my world their need for control over what they did not understand, unleashed the devil. Just be wary.

I will also say I did not know we had so many of our kind, though different were it not for my meeting with Lady Katherine I may not yet have known. I do not normally associate with my own kind. Its easiest not to usually, but in this case, in this strange world,perhaps a little more community would not go amiss given the potential situations that may arise.

The Doctor [Ten] always brings a banana to a party [userpic]


I would like to put a few worries and things to bed.  Personally, I find the idea of vampires and other supernatural creatures walking among us fascinating.  And rather quite brilliant.  Well, better than brilliant.

But, they're not necessarily anymore dangerous than anyone else.  Humans are one of the most destructive species in the Universe.  But, that doesn't stop them from being brilliant!

Anyway, back to my point.  No one, absolutely no one, will be putting anything toxic to anyone else in the water supply.

If anyone becomes a problem, including me, they will be dealt with.

UNIT do background checks on anyone associated with me.  It's protocol apparently, but mostly because I get called in as an expert in a lot of crazy situations.  So, they probably have researched all of you as soon as you stepped through the rift.  So, they will know all about you, if there's anything to know.

But, the current head of UNIT is a reasonable woman, unlike the previous one.  And she will listen to reason whenever it is given.

Derek Hale is a grumpy puppy [userpic]
Filtered to Lois

He responded. He had no idea that vervain in the water supply was being threatened. If he's out of the loop, somehow I feel like we're all pretty screwed.

Back July 28th, 2014 Forward