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Back July 22nd, 2014 Forward
Lindsey McDonald walks a thorny path [userpic]

Never sure why people are so fond of this damn city. So far the beer is wrong, its stupidly expensive everywhere and lawyers have to wear stupid wigs.

I briefly considered seeing about getting ID and passing some kind of bar here but I have no idea how I'd even begin to go about that.


You doing okay babe?

Amy Pond is a sassy fairytale [userpic]

I've seen some people being confused about what it means to live in Britain and quite what our attitudes to things are. I think this would sum it up quite nicely. Doesn't entirely apply to me because I'm Scottish and we lack the level of polite that this has, but it's close enough really.

So, enjoy Professor Elemental, explaining what it means to be British.

And we really really are sorry for Piers Morgan.

[ooc: link is to a particularly awesome video! Enjoy!]

Back July 22nd, 2014 Forward