Posts Tagged: '%21plot'

Jul. 13th, 2022



Plot: VIVA LA REVOLUTION! (7/14 - 7/21)

On Thursday (July 14th), the residents of the Void will wake up to discover that the boundaries of their neighborhood are no longer there- in fact, their neighborhood will extend into the not-so-clean streets of <18th-century Paris, France.

They will discover that when they step through the boundary, their clothing changes to match the time period and setting, and turning to look at Hudol Street, they will see that it resembles any other random neighborhood in this setting.

Feel free to explore the sights and sounds of Revolutionary France. You are welcome to go on adventures (or misadventures), just please remember to stay out of trouble.


Jul. 6th, 2022



Plot Update!

As of July 5th, things began to return to normal in the Void. Color slowly returned, and people woke up with their normal personalities back. Feel free to have your character comment or react accordingly.

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Jul. 2nd, 2022



Plot Update!


  • July 4th: On July 4th, Natasha Romanoff is throwing a party for Steve Rogers on the rooftop of the Enclave. Everyone is invited to have fun and relax. Current 50's tropes will still be in effect! A post for the party will be going p soon.

  • July 5th: The morning after the party, things will have returned to normal except for a new suburban neighborhood that will have sprung up at the end of the street. The neighborhood will have fully-furnished houses for residents of the Void to move into if they so choose. They can also choose to stay in the Enclave if they wish.

  • July 9th: Viva la Revolution!</v> The new July plot will start. Details will come on the 5th but be prepared for the Void to be set in 18th century France for the rest of the month.
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  • Jun. 26th, 2022



    Surprise Plot - Dark Skies


    You got some explainin' to do! )

    May. 29th, 2022



    Mod Announcement: Change is coming...

    In the month of June, a sense of anxiety will sweep over Wizarding Cardiff. Change is coming, sooner rather than later now.

    It starts when the Doctors detect a sort of rippling through the atmosphere. What had been only occasional before will become more pronounced. Throughout the month, characters may experience time warps. They might find themselves walking down a street and then be in the same place, but 20 years in the future or 300 years in the past. The effects will only last a few moments, but it will be jarring, to say the least.

    Meanwhile, anyone with magical abilities will start to sense their powers growing weaker. As if they are being drained. This effect will not be permanent.

    Anyone with psychic abilities will also sense this foreboding worldwide. AS if all of humanity is on edge.

    And then...

    Chaos. Destruction. The End of Days. Something begins to tear at the fabric of space and time. Something powerful. Greater than any army anyone has ever faced before. It will be only with the people of the city uniting that they will be able to hold back the force long enough to save what they can of Wizarding Cardiff.

    Mod Notes: This will be a world-shifting event. By July, what is left of Cardiff will be existing in a vacuum in time and space. This will be a temporary solution to the bigger problem our characters face, but the isolated city will remain the setting for a time to allow players a chance to settle in. New characters will, of course, be welcome to continue to come through the rift (which will stay open through ALL of this).

    Below is a great place to ask questions about this event. We will be modifying the FAQ and game plot afterward to reflect these changes.

    As a note, some of the doorways that opened before might be altered a little. We will still have versions of the doors available but with alternative surprises (because surprises are fun).

    Please feel free to provide suggestions and feedback! That's how we build community and make this an all inclusive game.

    Apr. 12th, 2022



    Shadows Plot April 9th-16th

    Soo I wanted to give a heads up that when Hope gets super emotional, she tends to lose control of her powers. She's seeing her parents during this plot, so feel free to flickering lights, etc around the housing/anywhere near where she is over the last few/next few days!

    Some example videos if you care to watch (Legacies spoilers obvs): 3x06 | also 3x06 | last week's episode <- epilepsy & migraine trigger warning: flashing videos

    ♥ Lena

    Apr. 9th, 2022



    Mid-April Plot and Updates!

    April Shadows Plot

    Just a reminder, our Mid-April Plot starts today!

    Characters will start seeing their significant others, family members, or closest friends who are not with them in Cardiff in dreams and in illusions around town. They cannot interact with them, and they appear to be ghostly. There is no known explanation for this, but each time it happens, the Rift seems to flicker.

    Please feel ree to ask your questions below and post journal entries or logs to reflect the happenings!

    Mod Updates
    I will be updating the FAQ and rules this week. Please post below if you have any FAQ related questions or suggestions.

  • Characters who 'vanish' will do so overnight. The Ministry will make official postings from here in about it as well.

  • Big Updates: There will soon be semi-regular Daily Prophet articles appearing to update characters on the happenings of the Wizarding World and reflect changes in the plot. Please suggest ideas below!
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  • Mar. 27th, 2022



    April Plots!

    Hello All!

    As a new month comes around, there are some updates for the game. We're slowly gaining people (yay!) and I hope everyone enjoyed their wishes. But now, it's time for the good times to roll. Below is a list o plots that will be rolled out this month. Please feel free to comment with questions, suggestions, or volunteer for things below!

    April 1st-April 3rd
    Who let the dragons out? Some prankster in Wales, of course. As an April Fools prank someone thought it would be funny to invite a few dragons to the party. Unfortunately, they invited all of the dragons. On April 1st, Cardiff (Muggle and Magical) will face a dragon invasion. This is a great time for heroes to get out there and do their thing!
    This plot will last the entire weekend as heroes try to help save people and figure out what to do about the menace. Below, you can comment on who you think did it (it will be an NPC, but suggestions are welcome), and how your characters might get involved with the rescues/fighting/problem solving, etc!

    April 9th-16th

  • Characters will start seeing their significant others, family members, or closest friends who are not with them in Cardiff in dreams and in illusions around town. They cannot interact with them, and they appear to be ghostly. There is no known explanation for this, but each time it happens, the Rift seems to flicker.
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  • Feb. 20th, 2022



    The Time Rift.
