When the Doctor asked magic users to help her by stabilizing the Void 'shield' that was created from the destruction of Cardiff, even she couldn't have predicted what would happen. The plan was to fuse the shield with the TARDIS to create a more stable connection and allow the Doctor to get a better reading of what was outside of the shell- and, hopefully, allow them to have some sort of control of their whole little neighborhood.
Unfortunately, things did not go that well. Not only did the Doctor and the TARDIS disappear, but the sky also changed shortly after.
Late Monday morning, the residents will have noticed what power they had flickering on and off. The sky grew dark, and then, this appeared. in the skies above Cardiff. The ominous skies will last through Monday.
By Tuesday, the Doctor will reappear through the Rift, sans Tardis and the without any real explanation. The Void will return to its former skies that day, but the world also shifts into a black-and-white Cardiff circa 1950s. Through July 5th, the residents of the Void will be stuck with technology, styles, and references of this past. While powers are not directly affected, some residents will face a variety of effects (on a volunteer basis), with some even taking on classic TV tropes. These can include...
Sitcom families or couples
The 'milkman'
The nosy neighbor
The 'boss'
Preppy kids
The town librarian
The soda jerks
AND MORE (please comment below if you have an idea you want to volunteer for)
Reply below to volunteer or ask questions. Have fun with this. It's a chance for you to play your characters outside of their comfort zone and make new friends. Characters do not have to change by Tuesday! They can gradually morph into the tropes over the course of the week to allow time for all players to participate. They can also just react to the changes around them.
The void will return to normal on July 5th. Characters will retain their memories from this plot!