Hey all.
Feels like I just did one of these but my cast has doubled in size since then. Peter’s been thrown into the mix already but one got lost in the shuffle so I wanted to take a second to introduce Scott Summers, also known as Cyclops. 616, Post-Schism, True Blue Cyke. The under-appreciated leader of the X-Men. We’ll just say he’s been reclusively dealing with shell shock from everything, staying in his room and playing Chess.
One more thing! My main man has a film coming out and we are so excited. In that spirit, I wanted to address mightythor’s canon point. Currently he’s listed as Post-Endgame, and it has always been my headcanon that at some point after that film Thor lost his blip weight. Now that that’s been all but confirmed by Love and Thunder promotional photography and footage, and with the film being released tonight, I wanted to state my intention to incorporate Thor’s transition “from DadBod to GodBod” as it is depicted on film. He will not be aware of Jane Foster’s acquisition of Mjölnir. This should not require any in-character adjustments, as I’ve refrained from having Thor speak in detail on it and will continue to do to so as to avoid spoiling the film (which I still have yet to see, as of writing this.) Just wanted to acknowledge all of this, as well as open the floor if there are any objections. Thank you!