15th Jan, 2015


Profile: River Tam

Name: River Tam
PB: Summer Glau
Canon: Firefly
Episode Take From: s01 e14
Wiki Page

Brief History: River had a far fall from comfort. Raised in a nurtured environment on Osiris with her parents and brother Simon, she was recognised very early as being 'gifted'. She would take to any new skill like a duck to water, and loved learning above all else, except perhaps her brother. When the opportunity came to attend an elite boarding academy, she begged her parents to allow her to go. It was the biggest mistake of her life.

Several years later, after spending his entire fortune to smuggle River out of the Academy, Simon Tam escaped with his sister in stasis. He ended up on the smuggling vessel Serenity. When River awoke, it became clear she was no longer stable. Over time, Simon learned the extent of what they had done to his sister - experiments that involved stripping the amygdala, subliminal training and varying degrees of mental torture that left River with abilities beyond her control. It also left her unable to cope.

Living on the run with the crew of Serenity, being hunted by the Alliance, suffering from psychotic breaks and difficulty discerning reality from fantasy, River takes baby steps every day towards what she hopes will be a better future.

Personality: River has incredibly violent mood swings. Sometimes she is the carefree, cheeky girl that she once was. Sometimes she is distraught and inconsolable. Sometimes she is a cold, calculated killing machine. She spends most of her time silently observing, calculating and in a sense curious.

In her lucid moments she is sad, mourning what has been taken from her, but thankful for what she now has. She knows she has to get better, and she alone knows what they did to her. It is just too difficult for her to communicate her needs.

Strengths: Extensive combat training, excellent reflexes, above average calculation skills, exceptional intelligence, precog and telepathic ability.
Weaknesses: Severe emotional difficulties, overly sensitive pain receptors, moments of psychosis.