8th Jan, 2015


Profile: Kenzie Malikov

Name: Kenzie Malikov
PB: Ksenia Solo
Canon: Lost Girl
Episode Take From: s01 e13
Wikipedia Entry

Brief History: Kenzie had a rather interesting childhood. Her family, Latvian Americans, were not exactly what law enforcement would call 'legitimate', and she was raised the only girl surrounded by male cousins. Despite being the youngest, and by far the smallest, Kenzie learned to fend for herself. Typically she would use her wits and tricks to get her way, but on more than one occasion she felt the need to get physical. Still, as the baby of the family she was more than doted upon. Her older cousins felt great pride in teaching her how to pick a pocket or wrestle her way out of a headlock.

By the time she was 14, she was already a bit player in their light cons. She acted as a distraction for her cousins while they stole cars and motorbikes, acted as lookout while they robbed pawn shops, and once spent 16 days pretending to be a air hostess so she could smuggle antique jewellery through customs. She had more than one brush with the law, and when her rap sheet was sufficiently heavy enough she would take on another identity and start all over again. Her quick wit and keen eye for opportunity saw her striking out on her own around her 19th birthday, when she packed a duffle bag with a few of her belongings and went looking for a life to call her own.

It was shortly after her 22nd Birthday, lifting wallets from yuppies in a hotel bar, that she got herself into a bit of trouble; downing a roofie and ending up stuck in an elevator with a creepazoid. Fortunately for her, there was a hungry Succubus in the vicinity, one that just happened to have a conscience.

Once Kenzie came to, and realised she was in the company of a Succubus named Bo, she decided to tag along to see where this opportune meeting could lead. Where it lead was Kenzie having to rescue Bo from near death, being exposed to the wider world of the Fae, and shacking up with Bo to start their private investigation business.

Personality: Kenzie is a girl with a lust for adventure. She takes most weird things in her stride, and now that her eyes have been opened to a rather different world, it takes quite a bit to surprise her. She is quick thinking, curious and fiercely protective over anyone she cares about.

It's easy for Kenzie to get her feelings hurt. She has moments of insecurity, and while she has accepted that she is to play the part of the side kick, she also struggles believing she is as important to Bo and her friends as they make her out to be.

Strengths: Very good pick pocket

Weaknesses: Allergic to Peanuts