22 December 2010 @ 08:31 pm
Who: Leo, Jamie, NPC!Olivia, and an apperance from NPC!Lillith too.
What: A party! Much to angsty Leo's despair.
When: December 22nd, evening.
Where: The Tatting residence.

The only kind of interaction Leo was used to as far as partys went was either breaking them up or surveying the scene for possible rule infractions )
02 December 2010 @ 10:38 pm
Who: Katey and Leo.
What: Trying to administer some Prefectly advice. Yes, I like making my descriptions vague. Get used to it.
When: Thursday, December 2nd.
Where: A random hall.

It was surprising sometimes what you could learn about people by simply observing them. )
14 September 2010 @ 05:20 pm
Who: Leo and Shaundra.
What: Random encounters. (AKA we'll see?)
When: Backdated to Monday, September 13th.
Where: The Library. It's Leo, where else would it be?

The library currently wasn't the safe, quiet haven that made Leo want to spend most of his time there and it was irritating. )