06 August 2010 @ 04:22 pm
Who: Emma, Scorpius and Byron
When: Afternoon, August 6
Where: Quidditch league tryouts
What: Emma and Scorpius go to watch the trials and run into Byron. And there are also some secrets to be shared. Maybe a talk about the birds and the bees.

It was a bright, sunny day with a hint of a breeze - perfect for watching the trials for the professional leagues. Emma was prepared, carrying a backpack with her omniculars, snacks and water for the day ahead. Playing quidditch at school was great fun, but this was different! This was the big leagues, and she couldn't wait to see how real players played (or, alternately, whether she could take any of them on).

"Come on," she said, tugging impatiently at Scorpius's hand. "We gotta get good seats!"