17 November 2010 @ 03:46 pm
text to Michaela  
Who: Kitty to Michalea
What: Text Message
Where: WADA courtyard
When: Wednesday afternoon

Text Message to Michaela )
15 November 2010 @ 02:37 am
text: to Edgar  
Who: Michaela to Edgar
What: Text Message
Where: Warrington House, from her bedroom
When: late, Sunday evening.

Text message to Edgar )
14 November 2010 @ 11:48 pm
WHO: Paige Gumboil and Jay Price
WHAT: Best friends hunt you down and cheer you up even when you think you don't want it.
WHERE: Willowreed, Paige's grandfather's manor.
WHEN: Sunday evening.
Status: complete.closed
RATINGS: PG-13 (very low R to be safe) talk of sexual acts and actual cursing.

Paige knew that Jay would understand the question for what it was. All of that and a desire for chocolate. )
14 November 2010 @ 11:12 pm
Who: Cate and Kate
Where: Dervish & Banges, Hogsmeade
When: Saturday, afternoonish
What: shopping and chatting - they're teenaged girls!

Katey hummed softly to herself as she touched pretty much everything on the shelf... )
07 November 2010 @ 11:09 pm
Who: Lindsay to James
What: Flown Text Message
Where: Gryffindor Dorm
When: November 7, after this comment.

Flown Text messages to James )
07 November 2010 @ 07:51 pm
WAQ Meeting  
Who: WAQ actives + Darian Savage
Where: The Pool House
When: Sunday 7th of November
What: TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! Bloxam!minion in the Pool House!

Don't switch the blade on the guy in shades )

Responses or questions characters asked can be posted in the comments of this post.
07 November 2010 @ 02:36 am
log: Prentiss and Melody  
Who: Prentiss and Melody
When: Saturday, November 6
Where: Library, British Muggleborn Association Charity Ball 
What: Two Ravenclaws sneak into a library, accost a dictionary, and then flee from the scene of the crime.
Status: Completed log!

He shot her a look of horror, partly at the prospect of getting unexpectedly portkeyed somewhere with her but also partly because he didn't even have any food on him, which would make survival dire no matter where they ended up, but he was distracted by something tumbling out of the dictionary. )
03 November 2010 @ 07:32 pm
WHO: Evelyn Smith and Shaundra Gates.
WHAT: Pity present.

On thursday morning, the residents of the Hufflepuff girls' sixth year dorm will notice a small package in green paper spellotaped to their door. The label on the outside reads 'GATES' )
01 November 2010 @ 09:26 pm
text: melody to prentiss  
Who: Melody to Prentiss
What: Flown Text Message
Where: Glinda Gardens
When: November 1

Flown Text messages to Prentiss )