Game Comm for The Quadrangle

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Game Comm for The Quadrangle


March 15th, 2011

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Who: Tom and Maddy
When: 3/15
Where: Maddy's room
What: Tom and Maddy have ice cream and talk, because it's a better coping strategy than drinking. Or so they say.
If he was going to have to explain why the past week had been particularly bad for him over ice cream rather than beer, and to a girl at that, it was damn well going to be good ice cream )

February 28th, 2011

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Who: NPC Speaker and OTA
Where: Galveston Harbor
When: March 1, 2011
What: Take Back the Night concludes with a lantern ceremony

Take Back the Night Lantern Ceremony )

January 12th, 2011

Thread: Phi Sigma Party

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Who: Phi Sig members, their dates and any party crashers
Where: Phi Sigma Sigma sorority house
When: January 14, 2011 (9pm and later)
What: Welcome to the Sorority! Party

Everyone enjoy the party! )

January 9th, 2011

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Who: Maddy Barry and Rahne Sinclair
When: Friday, January 7, 2010 (backdated)
Where: Around campus
What: Rahne and Maddy are on the sorority rush scavenger hunt!

Was she allowed to look at Wikipedia or anything for this or was that cheating? )

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