Game Comm for The Quadrangle

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Game Comm for The Quadrangle


March 15th, 2011

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WHO: Peter Parker & The Green Goblin (and Matt Murdock, Maya Lopez and Bruce Banner)
WHERE: The Kemah Boardwalk in Houston
WHEN: 11 PM, Tuesday, March 15th
WHAT: MORTAL COMBAT! Shit happens. Peter nearly dies. Norman DOES die. Fun times.

This is costing you. )

March 6th, 2011

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Who: Cain Marko and Bruce Banner
When: Monday, March 7, 2011
Where: The beach
What: Bruce Hulks out. Cain Juggernauts out. Big angry titans.

A very large, very *green* problem was standing there, and damn, did he look pissed off. )

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WHO: Bruce Banner & Peter Parker (and the Green Goblin)
WHEN: Afternoon, Monday, March 7
WHERE: Galveston Beach
WHAT: A peaceful time on the beach turns into something not so awesome.

What the hell are you doing---? )

February 28th, 2011

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Who: NPC Speaker and OTA
Where: Galveston Harbor
When: March 1, 2011
What: Take Back the Night concludes with a lantern ceremony

Take Back the Night Lantern Ceremony )

February 23rd, 2011

E-mail: Xavier to Students

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To: All UoM Superhuman Students
From: Dr. Charles Xavier
Date: 2/23/2011
Subject: New Aspect for Powers Training

You have 1 unread message )

February 22nd, 2011

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WHO: Bruce Banner & Betty Ross
WHEN: Backdated to a few days ago or so
WHERE: Librarryyyy
WHAT: Betty and Bruce meet up for the first time after the Cal Tech incident. He almost has a heart attack, which is like super bad.
RATING: Nothin' horrible to see here, folks.

Please tell me I didn't ruin your life. )

February 10th, 2011

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Who: Bruce Banner and Cain Marko
Where: Gym!
When: Afternoon, Thursday, February 10, 2011
What: Nothing says "big angry powerhouses" like Tai Chi Club?

So here he was, getting ready for another session, trying to not think about how bored and restless he'd probably get )
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