Game Comm for The Quadrangle

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Game Comm for The Quadrangle


March 16th, 2011

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WHO: Sam Guthrie and Tabby Smith
WHERE: Out somewhere fun. Tabby is picking.
WHEN: Wednesday Evening.
WHAT: Spending quality time together.

It didn't matter what others thought. )

March 1st, 2011

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Who: Sam Guthrie and Tabby Smith
Where: Tabby's Dorm
When: A bit after the lantern ceremony
What: Concern. Revealing stuff.

It was a side of her that he was genuinely surprised to see. )

February 28th, 2011

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Who: NPC Speaker and OTA
Where: Galveston Harbor
When: March 1, 2011
What: Take Back the Night concludes with a lantern ceremony

Take Back the Night Lantern Ceremony )

February 16th, 2011

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Who: Sam Guthrie and Tabby Smith
When: Ten minutes after Tabby's post on February 15th
Where: Her room!
What: Tabby tells Sam that she wants a massage and to be called beautiful, so that's what he does.

Sam was never late when he was meeting up with a girl. )

February 9th, 2011

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WHO: Tabitha Smith & Tony Stark.
WHEN: Wednesday (HUMP DAY), five minutes after this.
WHERE: Tabitha's room, Muir Building Room 112.
WHAT: Tabitha is spending the morning/afternoon of Hump Day in bed, and invited Tony.

Wasn't there a warning against drinking mouthwash? )

February 5th, 2011

So cups in the air, everybody lets take shots.

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WHO: Tabitha Smith & Bobby Drake.
WHEN: 11am, Saturday morning.
WHAT: Tequila Midnight always ends at Hangover Afternoon.
WHERE: Tabitha's room.

at least she wasn't stuck with a walk of shame... )

February 1st, 2011

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Who: Danny + Open
When: February 1st, 2011
Where: School Campus
What: Danny skips class, and tires to meditate.

Daniel Rand had never skipped a class before in his life. )
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