Game Comm for The Quadrangle

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Game Comm for The Quadrangle


March 14th, 2011

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Who: Kris Sylvan and Marie D'Ancanto
When: Sunday, March 13, 2011
Where: Duff's Pub, Galveston
What: Kris invited Marie out for boozing. This should be interesting.

She was wondering already if this was a bad idea. )

March 13th, 2011

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Who: Erik and Kris (and relevant deities)
When: 3/12
Where: Las Vegas hotel
What: Thor and Sif take Erik and Kris on the worst Spring Break ever.
Where are those two, anyways? )

March 7th, 2011

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Who: Erik/Thor + OPEN
When: 3/7
Where: Campus
What: Bombs go off. Erik panics. Thankfully (?) he's got Thor to take over.
Of all the ways to destroy the campus, bombing hadn't been considered )

February 28th, 2011

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Who: NPC Speaker and OTA
Where: Galveston Harbor
When: March 1, 2011
What: Take Back the Night concludes with a lantern ceremony

Take Back the Night Lantern Ceremony )

February 9th, 2011

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Who: Erik and Kris
When: 2/9, afternoon
Where: Around the campus
What: Erik and Kris take a walk around campus and try not to let the gods out.
Little things couldn't hurt, right? )

January 11th, 2011

i know you're one of us ( sif! )

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Who: Ezra Velez and Kris Sylvan
Where: bench outside of Muir
When: 1/11/11, early morning
What: Ezra is up early people watching--actually, he was just up all night.

Ezra probably managed to get about one hour of sleep last night. )

January 9th, 2011

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Who: Erik and Kris...and possibly Thor and Sif.
When: 1/9
Where: Muir Lobby
What: Checking in only goes smoothly when pretty girls and Asgardian gods aren't involved.
How come it never goes smooth?! )
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