June 2012

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March 15th, 2012

[info]egyptianlawyer in [info]themoderngods

Who: Danielle and Samuel/Thoth
Where: Hosptial, Dani's room
When: Tuesday Evening
Rating: Medium at most, due to bad memories dug up.

You can never outrun your past, no matter how much you think you can. Circle of life crap and whatnot. )

[info]_marriage in [info]themoderngods

WHO Hera/Cora & Zeus/Tara
WHEN 15 March 2012 | dinner time
WHERE Tara's apartment
WHAT a nice calm, romantic dinner. (ha!)

Poseidon had had a point, he was still Zeus beyond the mortal flesh. )

[info]urban_wheat in [info]themoderngods

WHO Alice & Jeremiah/Posiedon
WHAT Late night sushi
WHEN Wednesday; late night.
WHERE Japanese Bistro uptown

It's hard to be a saint in the city )

[info]modernmod in [info]themoderngods

Who: Any doctor/nurse healing god brought by Hermes to the room of Jordan/Kurt. Subthreads encouraged completely.
What: Directly after the healing takes place Jordan is good as new but asleep rather than in a straight coma. Interactions can vary from reactions to the healing done to people returning to where they were pulled from. Again, subthreads and multiple replies encouraged! Please note this is being done this way to avoid a major cluster of tagging of the actual healing, if you wish something to be added to this main narrative let me know and I will work it in!
When: Wednesday early afternoon after Hades and Baron Samedi draw the soul back into the body.
Where: Jordan/Kurt's room at NY Presbyterian

And there was a silence after all the spells and chants were spoken, and all watched and waited. )

[info]owl_goddess in [info]themoderngods

Reed Jensen, you have ONE new text )

Reed Jensen, you have TWO new texts )

Reed Jensen, you have THREE new texts )

Reed Jensen, you have FOUR new texts )

[info]partofthenight in [info]themoderngods

Text to Cronus )

[info]horse_whisperer in [info]themoderngods

Who: Kenzie Studart|Epona and a white horse|Poseidon|Jeremiah Evans
What: After a hard day of not working, Kenzie hangs around the stable after hours and finds an unexpected guest.
When: very late night Thursday, March 15, 2012
Where: the racetrack

Here pony, pony, pony. )
