June 2012

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February 23rd, 2012

[info]frigginserious in [info]themoderngods

Who: Dani and Emmy [Frigga]
What: Meeting for coffee and catching up.
Where: Starlight Cafe
When: 2:00pm on Thursday

Frigga felt no anxiety about this meeting... but Emmylee sure did. )

[info]praelium in [info]themoderngods

WHO: Theo and Oliver
WHAT: Meeting up after five years
WHERE: Central Park
WHEN: Late afternoon, December 29th [BACkDATED]

And when our city, vast and shitty, falls to the Axis, they'll search the buildings, collect gold fillings, wallets, and rings )

[info]brokencladdagh in [info]themoderngods

Who: Dani and Jordan (aka, Kurt)
What: A tense reunion
Where: La Chat Noir jazz club
When: Thursday evening
Rating: TBD, but likely low to moderate

Would she recognize him? Would she want to? )

[info]all_greektome in [info]themoderngods

Oliver Roscort you have ONE new message. )

[info]frigginserious in [info]themoderngods

J-S you have ONE new message. )

[info]all_greektome in [info]themoderngods

Who: EVERYONE? Basically anyone that can legit find a reason to be at this party!
What: Thanks to Abigail it's become common knowledge that Lydia has the apartment to herself until Saturday, so it's party time at the Apostolos place! Tons of people get invited and it may swing a little out of control when some gods begin to arrive with their vessels!
Where: The Apostolos Apartment above the Antique Shop and Showroom.
When Friday at eight!

Crush a bit, little bit, roll it up, take a hit... )

[info]shewhoscribes in [info]themoderngods

Who: Imogen (Seshat) and Samuel (Thoth)
What: Late night coffee and a divine reunion. Kind of.
Where: Starlight Diner.
When: Thursday night, close to Eleven O' Clock
