February 28th, 2012

[info]windfeather in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Wind & Taku
Where Over-the-Rhine Ohio
What Wind tracks down his homeless friend's tent city during their nomadic come what may rail riding adventure
When Feb 28th
Warning TBD
Status In Progress

there it was...a camp ground home of the houseless. Wind never thought of them as homeless )

[info]mothridden in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Atlas & Evron
What AIM Chat
When Feb 28 - National Chocolate Souffle Day
Warning links with nudity - vulgarity
Status Complete

what's a promise from a compulsive liar? )

[info]venetianblinds in [info]thegrand_ic

Who Caim & Evron
What Aim Chat
When Feb 28th
Warnings Language
Status Complete

Sounds like you had your own mentor )

[info]cupidzarrow in [info]thegrand_ic

Who: Dana Dee Devon and Kareem Okonwo
When: February 26 2012
Where: Movie Theater
What: The experiment of watching Chronicle
Warnings: Fluffy Dana smurf licking? Shooting homophobic fat men with arrows?
Status: Not complete yet.

You ready for slushy headache nirvana? )

[info]abiah in [info]thegrand_ic

I probably should have done this sooner. I'm Elaine Fairfield and I work as a personal assistant and event planner in Boston. If you need an event planned then just ask and I'll see if I can pencil you in.