August 27th, 2009

[info]lastmile in [info]thefield

Some Things Should Stay Buried

Who: Adnan
When: early afternoon
Where: by the wood pile
Rating: PG-13ish for violent memories

Today was a day to throw himself into work. After talking with Coop, and telling her everything he had about his past ... it stayed stirred up. Adnan hadn't broken down, per se, but he'd been on the edge of it all evening and night and then again in the morning. It was a yawning pain in his chest, a hole that he was sure everyone was feeling in varying degrees. But his was laced with fire, and the memory of the stench of burning bodies was strong. So he'd gotten up early and set to work immediately, shaping the tree-trunks they had collected, lopping off branches and chopping some of them in half. Keeping a mental tally of what he needed in what size filled his head with enough noise to keep the memories at bay.

Even ourselves. )