August 15th, 2009

[info]lastmile in [info]thefield


Who: Adnan and Bazzer
When: early morning
Where: away from camp

Adnan woke up with the desire -- no, need -- to go for a walk. A long one, before the day heated up, and alone. The day before was vivid in his mind, though it felt more like a dream than anything else. It wasn't; Coop's bare limbs tangled with his when he'd woke up had been evidence enough to that. Not to mention the dull soreness in most every muscle he had. But what he remembered ... he wasn't unhappy with what had happened, he was just ... surprised at himself. After he'd lost count of how many times they'd made love, he knew there was something else at work -- the pollen was pretty obvious when one thought about it for a minute or two -- but hadn't cared.

Now, he wondered. Had the impulses been genuine? What did it all mean now? It was all so fast, and he needed some time to clear his head. Or make the attempt, anyway. He'd disentangled himself from his newfound lover, put his jeans and boots on, and headed out for a shirtless walk, hoping the cooler air would do him some good. Tripper had accompanied him, the hound making sure his mistress was soundly asleep before bounding after Adnan.

With a soft grunt, the man lobbed a stick for the dog, legs swishing through the purple grass, his mind all over the place.