August 5th, 2009

[info]driveeveryroad in [info]thefield

Girl Time

Who: Coop, Delilah and Analiese
Where: Near the camp
When: Afternoon
What: Getting to know one another better
Rating: TBD

Coop was sweating freely but that was nothing new. The whole day had been one of those. Just turning around or bending over slicked one's skin with sweat. Her dress felt gross and her underwear was even worse. She couldn't wait for her next bath to clean her clothes but she knew she couldn't head off into the water too soon or she'd need another one before she met up with Adnan. She'd brought poor Lucien across the lake from where they were harvesting the sweetgrind to be pounded into flour and deposited him with Thorne. Poor guy had pushed it too hard and had passed out from heat exhaustion. She was sure that meant he'd be done for the day and she was on her own.

As she brought a loosely baled bundle of the grain to the area of camp where they did the drying, she noticed that Rowan, too, had opted to lie down for a while. Sophie was nowhere to be seen but there were other people working with the grain. "Hello," she called cheerfully as she could manage after being so annoyingly overheated. "Brought some more grain to dry." With a relieved sigh, she heaved the bale down next to the others.