July 3rd, 2009

[info]driveeveryroad in [info]thefield

So, Ah...If The Dog Isn't Enough Warmth For You Tonight....

Who: Coop and Adnan
When: late afternoon
Where: the path between camp and the spring
What: Getting to know one another better
Rating: G!

Adnan had helped with the cleanup efforts once the storm had given them some mercy, re-setting lean-tos and picking up scattered supplies from everywhere. He supposed they were lucky they hadn't had an all-out stampede of grazers. The entire time, his eyes wandered, looking for the vision in the red dress. Coop. He'd catch sight of her every now and then, but was determined not to hover right away. Not to mention the fact that it was sort of ridiculous that he was looking for her anyway, he'd only pulled her away from the hail a handful of hours ago, and there was work to do.

It only worked for so long. Once things started to wind down and people felt that they'd put the camp back together enough, he was left with not much to do. The fire was being stubborn about lighting, and he had the feeling it was going to be a cold night. He told himself that he should sit for a while, play some guitar, but he didn't do either. Instead he started walking around the area around camp, looking for that red dress. He was attempting to think of a reason for doing so, to give if she asked, but wasn't coming up with much more than the truth. He wanted to check on her.

Coop was in a strange place, and not just physically. There was no doubting this place was not like anywhere she'd ever been. Not after she'd seen the pesks, and the grazers and the tiny little monkeys that lived in the rocks. She'd spent a good portion of the early afternoon sitting and staring at a spot in the rocks where such a little thing had disappeared. The bowl of water she'd been sent to fetch pretty much forgotten in her lap. She might have numbly sat there all day if it hadn't been for the singing.

I Usually Set Up Over There )

[info]thefieldmod in [info]thefield

Day Twenty-Seven: Halcyon

In an extreme but welcome contrast to the previous morning, the day dawns bright and breezy with low humidity. By mid-morning, the temperature has climbed to 27C (80F), and there's not a cloud to be seen in the sky. It's an easy matter to relight the fire with the strategic use of a pair of glasses, and it's a perfect day to completely dry out any still-damp items, work on building (or rebuilding) lean-tos and assess what else needs to be done to make the campsite more secure and more functional. It's also a prime time for the council to discuss not only what's next for the group but also the departure of four people during the storm the previous morning.

Sunburn is a strong possibility today for anyone who works out in the open and does not cover up; time to lay in a supply of burnbutter.

There are two discoveries that could be made today if anyone wanders from the campsite: fostriches, whose eggs would be a good source of additional protein, and what appears to be a stone altar on the northwest shore of the camp.

Mod Notes - Please Read )