June 29th, 2009

[info]crossedwire in [info]thefield

A New Threat

Who: Helena and Cross, plus Olivia and Meredith (NPCs)
When: Just before dawn
Where: Their lean-to
What: Experiencing the storm

lightning, hail & tornadoes )

[info]blindsides in [info]thefield


Who: Helena and Ryan
Where: At the camp
What: Talking about plans
When: In the early afternoon drizzle.

Helena carefully picked her way through the debris of the camp. One of the lean-tos hadn't stood up to the onslaught and it lay in a sodden heap off to the side of the soggy firepit. She expected a rebuilding effort would start up again once they got the fire going again. That was the priority. Today, though, Helena had a bit of a priority of her own. "Ryan," she said as she crouched down next to the young man. "I have half a milk melon if you want it." There would be no roasted meat or seafood soup today. Not until they got the fire going. "I have some stuff I want to talk to you about, too." It felt like it had been days since she'd spent any time with Ryan. She wondered how he was adjusting to the island.

an even trade )

[info]lostchu in [info]thefield

Run Again

Who: Helena and Jasper
Where: Around and About
When: Mid morning
What: Just talking
Rating: G

Believe It )