June 23rd, 2009

[info]anableue in [info]thefield

Fishing & Girl Talk

Who: Analiese and Helena
When: not long after the funeral
Where: a short distance from camp, at the water's edge
What: fishing... sort of
Rating: G

Analiese kept expecting it to rain. The sky was dark and the air breezy, and there was a tension in the air that would seem to indicate a coming storm. She was just glad it hadn't poured down rain on Quinn's poor, naked body in its hole in the ground during the service. That was a sight she wished she could forget, though she wasn't having much luck pushing it from her mind as she walked along the edge of the shore headed away from camp. She'd been leaking around the eyes ever since the funeral; it was more because she was scared than anything. She couldn't say it was because of Quinn, because as sorry for him as she'd felt, she'd barely known him.

catching dinner )