June 19th, 2009

[info]thefieldmod in [info]thefield

Day Twenty Five: Somber

The morning dawns with considerable cloud cover; dark, ominous clouds completely obscure the sun for the entire day. The high will reach about 22C (68F), and the weather will be windy and blustery. It will look as if a storm is rolling in, but it won't rain. At various times during the day, any unsecured items will blow around, possibly never to be seen again if they are not caught! The water around the island is also affected; fish are easily caught today, both in the choppy lake and when they wash up on shore.

At mid-morning, Father Alex will hold a graveside service for Quinn, who died the previous morning of anaphylaxis; the news had made its way around camp by evening. Cross and Arlo dug the hole for his interment, a process that took a couple of hours with the makeshift tools they had to use. In other, more cheerful camp news, the notebook Analiese found is indeed written in Russian, according to Delilah. After the first few pages are read, a discovery is made that will aid everyone: mint brush, a tough, spiky, mint-flavored plant stalk that can be used as a toothbrush. It grows in most shady areas on the island.

After all daylight fades from the sky, lightning begins to flicker and thunder to rumble. The night air is heavy and oppressive, and the wind is high. The light show continues for several hours, but there is still no rain, and eventually it fades to the occasional grumble of thunder.

[info]blindsides in [info]thefield


Who: Ryan
When: early morning
Where: at the fire pit
What: focusing on nothing
Rating: PG

you realize that sometimes you're just not okay )