June 3rd, 2009

[info]wildracer in [info]thefield

At Sunset

Who: Jasper, the npc babies, Kenneth, and then open to everyone!
Where: The lake
What: Badness
Rating: Oh, let's say somewhere between PG and R for profanity

Jasper had made a severe error. One she hadn't made in, oh, years and she was definitely regretting it now because this could very possibly cost three people their lives - her's included. But she wasn't used to being weighed down by two children and a bunch of things left at the prime camp; she was used to running for herself, with the things she was used to running with. But right now she was going much slower than she'd thought she'd been, there was a large tract of land that didn't have any trees, just open field, and on the other end of said tract of land was the lake. It was also sunset. Jasper could hear the laughers in the distance, but she knew how fast those could run and if she made it to the lake it would be by the skin of her teeth, and there were still the shallows that the laughers would undoubtedly be able to get through before it became too deep for them.

Laughers Are Not Friendly )

[info]anableue in [info]thefield

Skinny Dipping

Who: Analiese and Bazzer
When: late morning
Where: near the spring and rock waterfall on the far side of the island

The experience was still like a surreal sort of dream to Analiese. She'd walked all day in her socked feet, trailing near the end of the group of twelve or fifteen people who were making their way to an island camp, then once darkness had come, they'd had to swim across a lake while pushing their belongings on hollowed-out wooden things that floated. Somebody had said they were tree branches, but Analiese couldn't imagine a tree branch ever looking like that. She'd been so footsore and exhausted by then that she hadn't spared it much thought. There'd been a huge fire and other people, and she'd spread out her comforter and pillow right along with them, slipping off out of sight to take off her wet pajamas and put on Luke's huge sweater, which hit mid-thigh on her and would be good enough to sleep in.

She'd wondered if she'd awaken in her bed at home, but she hadn't. Analiese had found herself still on the island, still wrapped in her comforter with her blonde hair a mess, still surrounded by strangers. She'd rolled up her bedding and placed it off to the side where people seemed to be putting their bedrolls once they'd gotten up, and she'd ventured off to put her still damp camisole and leggings back on. She couldn't just wear a low-necked cardigan sweater around all day; that was even more indecent than the pajamas.

oh, my god, he's taking his clothes off! )