April 23rd, 2009

[info]neverdefeated in [info]thefield

Time: Day 16, afternoon
Place: in the forest, then back at camp
Cast: Payne, Sophie and...whomever wanders in!
Payne hunts and kills, and it isn't pretty. Some graphic imagery and later, strife.

do or die, what's done is done. true beauty lies on the blue horizon )

[info]blindsides in [info]thefield

Not a Midnight Snack

Who: Ryan and Thorne
When: day 16, night
Where: Thorne's hammock
What: rain and darkness
Rating: PG (boy snuggles, innuendo)

Ryan had had a disconcerting day, to say the least. He was usually so mellow that sometimes people had to poke him to make sure he was alive, and it was rare for him to argue with anyone. Usually that only happened when he was forced to defend himself for whatever the reason, like with Bazzer the other day. But suddenly he'd gotten into an actual fistfight with a guy, over nothing. It seemed unreal when he thought about it.

He'd spent most of the day by himself after that, first dragging himself off into the woods and finding a section of stream in which to wash his face; he'd splashed water over his skin for quite a while, hoping it would help the vicious headache that pounded at his temples and the sharp, stabbing pains in his teeth. He'd been really uneasy once he discovered that his vision seemed dimmer. It was his worst nightmare to lose the little bit of vision he had left. Ryan had found a place to curl up and rest his eyes for a while, trying to be as still as possible, and finally during the late afternoon the headache had subsided enough for him to discover that his vision wasn't really any worse. It must have been the effect of... whatever the hell had happened to him and Rook out there in the field.

stay here with me? )

[info]crossedwire in [info]thefield


Who: Cross and Helena
When: evening, day 16, after the rain begins
Where: the rock ledge
What: an end to anger
Rating: PG

she knew that he had her well-being at heart )