March 2nd, 2009

[info]winjunkie in [info]thefield

Bringin' Home The Bacon

Who: Payne and Quinn, then Clay
What: A crime of opportunity
When: Late morning/early afternoon
Where: About fifteen minutes away from the camp.
Rating: R (drugs, innuendo, violence, gore, all the good stuff.)

Kids Who Do Drugs Always Die In The Movies )

[info]communeraised in [info]thefield

Those going east-Closed

Thorne had woken up early after sleeping much better in the cooler air. He'd gone about and gathered those that had volunteered, Cross, Alex, Jasper, and Kenneth. He didn't pack much food since there would be food on the other end of the journey and headed out through the thick sticky mud, which slowed them down considerably. That and having to avoid the puddles of blue fish, which Jasper was kind enough to pause at and catch a few which they had at lunch.

Just after noon they reached the plains, stretching as far as the eye could see to the east. Jokes were made about the purple waves of grain that spread before them. Thorne explained what the grazers looked like and where he and Bazzer had found them before the headed off into the grassland looking for any signs of the herd.

As dusk approached without any sign of the herd and with increasing thoughts of laughers, the party began to worry. When they spotted a stand of flowering trees in the distance, Jasper volunteered to run ahead and scope them out. The trees were reminsicent of Rhododendrons, large umbrella like tops with deep purple leaves that were almost black and multicolored flowers, even on the same trees. Under the trees it was shadowed and cooler. The trunks were less than a foot in diameter, but strong enough that the larger men could get high enough off the ground to avoid the laughers as long as they stayed against the trunk.

It wasn't going to be the most comfortable way to spend the night, but they'd survive.