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The Cold War RPG

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Vanishing Act: Act I [Aug. 22nd, 2008|09:24 am]
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Who: Marietta Edgecombe and Hermione Granger
When: Late evening
Where: Longbottom Cottage, Ottery St. Catchpole
What: Discussions of the future, and the appearance of innocence
Why: Because it's almost do-or-die time, and Marietta doesn't really wish to die

Furtive looks are not recommended. We are not a weasel. )
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Owl Post to Hermione Granger [Aug. 21st, 2008|02:29 pm]
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From: Marietta Edgecombe, Chelsea, London
To: Hermione Granger, Hogwarts Castle, Scotland


It's time we met and talked about the future. I'm ready to be out of here.

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The Malfoys [Aug. 4th, 2008|12:36 am]

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Who: Marcus Belby and Hermione Granger
Where: Marcus's flat, London
When: Sunday afternoon, August 3
What: Exchanging news and ideas
Why: Because Marcus will work himself under the table if someone doesn't tell him not to.

All of the other pills, they were different )
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Owl to Adrian Pucey [Jul. 27th, 2008|05:24 pm]

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An immense Arctic owl beat a furious tattoo with wings, beak, and talons against Adrian Pucey's window in the small hours of the night, long before the Sunday church bells would ring to summon the faithful to prayer.

It carried a tiny bottle that rattled faintly, and a hastily-scrawled but very carefully-warded note.

The note... )
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Night books [Jul. 26th, 2008|04:05 pm]
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[Current Mood |worried]

Who:Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, and whoever else drops by or eavesdrops.
Where: Hogwarts library.
When: Late Saturday evening.
What: Words.

His pale white hand clenched involuntarily as he reached for the knob of an office door. He was staring at the small plate: "Professor Hermione Granger, Charms." It was a place he'd hoped not to be, at a time not of his choosing. He rather hoped that the professor wouldn't be in... but on the other hand, what were his other choices?

A cool, flat voice emanated from the door as his hand brushed the knob. "Professor Granger is in the library." It paused. "Mr..."

But he had already turned and was gone back down the passage.

The fourth floor library was dim and silent at this late hour of night, but a light still flickered in its dim recesses. The locked door presented him with no difficulty; but as he passed, shadow-like, down the narrow aisles between the tall, leaning bookcases, he could hear the books whispering and rustling at him. All books have a memory, and can sense when someone they know comes near them; but magical books, more than most, are able to express their feelings. These ones did not like him.

The aisle ended. There she was, seated at a table, a large heap of books piled beside her and two or three open in the light of the lamp. He tried to say something, to alert her to his presence -- but no words would come. His mouth was utterly dry. In this place of all places, rich with the magic of centuries, he felt lost and diminished, his own power a mere drop in an ocean filled by ten thousand wizards over a thousand years. His cane fell from nerveless fingers onto the floor; and in the echoes of its ringing fall, he could hear the hushed and scandalized whispers of the books, louder than ever.
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Late in the evening [Jul. 14th, 2008|10:43 am]

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Who: Neville Longbottom and Hermione Granger
Where: Neville's guest suite, Hogwarts
When: Late night, 14-15 July
What: Awakenings

... and all the music seeping through... )
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Heroes and shepherd's... pie [Jun. 20th, 2008|09:56 pm]

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Who: Hermione Granger and Molly Weasley
Where: The Burrow
When: Saturday, 21 June
What: Hermione tells a story she thinks Molly needs to hear.
Why: Because Ron can't tell it himself, now.

When first I appear, I seem delirious... )
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Reaching Out [Jun. 21st, 2008|01:40 am]
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Who: Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood
When: Mid-evening. What do dates matter at a time like this?
Where: Hogwarts Castle, Scotland
What: A surprise visit
Why: Turn that frown... anyway you want to turn it.

The scent of jasmine filled the air, except for the patch of it filled by Luna. )
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The Void [Jun. 19th, 2008|07:41 am]


Who: Hermione Granger and Firenze
When: The full-moon night of Wednesday, 18 June
Where: Hogwarts grounds, near the Forbidden Forest
What: Patrolling
Why: Full-moon night!

She supposed the Void wasn't much fun to argue with. )

Owl to Marcus Belby [Jun. 15th, 2008|09:28 pm]

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To: Marcus Belby, Fitzrovia, London
From: Hermione Granger, Hogwarts

I need your help. )
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A Gathering of Friends and Family [Jun. 12th, 2008|06:11 pm]
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Who:  The Weasleys and all those who loved Ron
When: Thursday evening, June 12th
Where:  The Burrow
Why:  Grieving together is what makes us a community

The Weasleys had made it known that they would be receiving guests Thursday evening at dusk.  Molly kept herself busy, bustling around preparing food for the many people that were expected to arrive with condolences, but her face remained grim, and the kitchen somehow looked dark and dreary.

The twins sat at the kitchen table, talking in low murmurs with Charlie, who had flown in from Romania as soon as he had heard from McGonagall.  When Arthur wasn't trying to get Molly to sit, he was peering out the window, ready to get the door for any visitors.

It was not mentioned by anyone, but over the past two days the wards around The Burrow had been recast, strengthened, and improved to a level only matched by Hogwarts itself.  Each Weasley had taken a turn.  If they were to gather all their eggs in one basket, that basket would be made of cold steel this evening.

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Holding the fort [Jun. 11th, 2008|07:49 am]

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Who: Neville Longbottom and Hermione Granger
Where: Hogwarts, Scotland
When: Wednesday, 11 June
What: Whatever needs doing
Why: A hero is dead... but exams endure.

O, what a fall was there, my countrymen! )
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[Jun. 6th, 2008|04:38 pm]

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Who: Lots of folks
When: Friday, June 6
Where: the French Embassy
What: the fund raising ball to support Camp Hogwarts and the student exchange

Dance the night away, for the future of the children. )
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[Jun. 1st, 2008|03:45 pm]

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Who: Neville & Hermione
When: Saturday morning, after OWLS
Where: their cottage
What: oh, there's a lot of conversation to be had

there's got to be a morning after )
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OWLS Meeting, Dungate House (Post Lecture Socializing) [May. 31st, 2008|11:12 pm]

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Draco received the requisite applause and those who could not wait bolted to the refreshments.

A man rushed in and dragged Robards and Dawlish into a quick huddle. They spoke briefly and then all left with undecorous haste.
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Been a long time [May. 31st, 2008|09:16 pm]
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Who: Granger & Corner
What: Because Corner's been hiding under a rock
Where: Hogwarts
When: Some evening when Hermione's at school
Why: Because he had to come out from under a rock eventually

been a long time - been a lonely lonely lonely lonely time )
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OWLS Meeting, Dungate House, London (lecture and questions) [May. 30th, 2008|11:48 pm]

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An older man moved to the podium on the dais at the front of the ballroom. His hands looked as if they were covered in parchment and he seemed old even for a wizard.

"Welcome, members and guests, to the eighty-third consecutive monthly meeting of the Old Wizarding Literary Society. I see that tonight's very exciting topic has induced several of our members to bring along guests. Our guests are encouraged to discover more of our charitable and educational missions and, if they meet our qualifications, put themselves forward as candidates for membership. The great causes of our time have always been tied to our literary endeavors." If it is not obvious by his words that he has offered a tremendous favor to the guests, his tone and demeanour make perfectly clear. Those who have attended prior OWLS meetings have heard this speech before.

"Our guest this evening is a young man much in the news of late, who was involved in the recapture of an escaped murderess from Azkaban. He has not written of this endeavour, but given his father's literary successes, it is not out of the question. The speakers committee presents our honored guest, Draco Malfoy."

Thatch led the applause and waited for Draco to come to the podium.
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OWLS Meeting, Dungate House, London (pre-lecture) [May. 30th, 2008|06:15 pm]

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Dungate House sat quietly in the late spring gloaming, the gardens neatly trimmed. It was a match for any other great house on the street. If the neighbors had known it was there, they would have approved. It was stately. It was ostentatious. It had real human servants instead of house-elves.

Inside, two bars and a buffet were set up in the ballroom. Rows of chairs faced a podium, but it was deserted at first.

The oldest wizards arrived first, either to find the best vantage for wizardwatching or to get started on their drinking.

Dungate House was no longer a house, per se, but the home of one of Wizarding London's most powerful institutions, the Old Wizarding Literary Society. Some people considered it more powerful than the Wizengamot. Some considered it an auxiliary to that body. And some considered it a mandatory social event.

Whatever they thought of it, pureblooded wizards and witches came here once a month to hear a lecture on some topic of interest. Tonight they looked forward to Draco Malfoy.

The staff had laid on extra spirits, just in case.
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[May. 26th, 2008|11:49 am]

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Who: Kingsley and Hermione
What: Discussing Order business
When: Friday afternoon, 23 May BACKDATED
Where: Hogwarts grounds
Warnings: Kingsley has a potty mouth, but he does try to bite his tongue around Hermione

Kingsley had Apparated up to Hogsmeade and trudged up to the gate for his appointment with Minerva. Afterwards, it had occurred to him that he probably ought to go knock on Hermione's door and see if she was still sore after their run-in at the last Order meeting. It made surprisingly little difference to Kingsley whether Neville formally joined the Order or merely resurrected the student group that Kingsley had Obliviated Marietta to protect, but he did feel strongly that it was Neville's decision to make and not Hermione's. At least the discussion had probably put paid to the idea of running him for Minister, a job he felt underqualified for.

He made his way through the halls and over to the Transfiguration office and, ignoring her instructions to her students, knocked on the door. Hermione was probably in class anyhow. He was going to be surprised if she answered.
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Planning [May. 23rd, 2008|12:21 pm]
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Who: Marietta Edgecombe, Sally Fawcett, Hermione Granger and Gabrielle Delacour
When: Evening of Friday, 23rd May, 2008
Where: A small conference room at the French Embassy, London
What: A planning meeting for Camp Hogwarts, and the upcoming ball
Why: Because time is drawing short, and so is the Minister's patience

The prospect of having her mind betray her was not one she could take equitably )
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